Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Again, I'm a very lazy blogger.  However, in my defense, I have a Court of Appeals brief due on Friday.  No big deal or anything.  The brief is done (for the most part), so I am back among the living finally.

Today, it is my pleasure to discuss with you Katie McGarry's newest creation DARE YOU TO.  If you follow my tweets, you'll know that I loved PUSHING THE LIMITS.  Her stories are very dark and gritty, and she often writes about difficult yet relevant topics (i.e. - mental health disorders, divorce, custody disputes, etc.).  What makes her stories so special in my opinion are the well-crafted romances.  In McGarry's first book, there was something about Noah and Echo's initial interractions with each other that gave me the fun butterflies-in-stomach effect reminiscent of my own high school days (eons and eons ago). 
The chemistry between Beth and Ryan is even hotter.  This is one of those opposites attract scenarios at first blush.  Once you look beyond the superficial, though, it is apparent that Beth and Ryan really aren't that different.  They're both grappling with protecting family secrets at the beginning of the book.  I don't want to spoil the story about how they get together (finally).  I'd rather you check it out yourself and then tweet me so we can go all fangirl and be like, "Ohmygod, Ryan is so hot!  Lol I know!  Ur so awesome!  I know!  Hee hee hee hee hee!!!"    

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